BOARD MEETING – 3/27/2024

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BOARD MEETING - 3/27/2024

Hi Fellow Board Members,
Following are notes from the 3/27/24 board meeting.  Please make any additions/revisions needed.
Called to order by Lourdes at 8:05PM
Attended: Ginnie, Lourdes, Manny Aranda, Jeff Huvar, Mike Mallia, Indra, Rich, Tony & Liz, Lauren joined at 8:30, Jim joined at 8:37
Absent: John Rey
Temple on Commonwealth Ave
Lourdes asked Mike about BSA meeting for the Temple on Commonwealth.  There is no date set yet for the meeting in Manhattan.  There has been no reply regarding our requested revision to the proposed plans.  The meeting should be virtual and an all day event as there are multiple cases being heard.
Tony received a letter, evidently to him because he lives close to the property, advising that neighbors will have a voice in approvals.  Tony will forward the letter to Rich.
Mike - CB's consensus is overwhelming against proposed plans.
Lourdes asked Rich to send out meeting info via Constant Comments when it is available.
April 4, 2024 General Meeting & ESD
Lourdes - representative from ESD will be there to answer questions.  CB13 will have a meeting on 3/28 to voice discontent with the proposal - hopes that EDS will listen.
General consensus of all Board members is it is not believed that any of the community concerns will be considered.  Plans have been in the works for years.
Indra asked if our April 4 meeting could be videoed so that we would have a record of what ESD says.  Jeff can take care of this with Julia's phone!
Jeff - ESD reports 2873 units, we are requesting 1000.  Is there a compromise number we could be comfortable with?  And would ESD actually agree?
Tony - once the units are built who received the money from sales and rental fees?
Rich - Bob Friedrich reports that Glen Oaks has (per internet search) 110 acres, 134 buildings with 2904 apartments.  Creedmore is 58 acres with 2873 units.
Board raised questions again about infrastructure.  It is not known at this point what plans are being made.  When Creedmore was fully active they had their own power plant which no longer exists.  The only thing still open is an environmental impact study.
Bus Route Redesign
Rich resent the Constant Comments to the Board with the link to the proposed changes.  There is not too much except for some on Braddock Avenue.
Lourdes - Springfield Blvd needs better timing and connections for #88 and #27
There is a proposal to extend #110 Jericho Tpke to the Floral Park LIRR.  Floral Park does not want City busses at their station.  Not really necessary as the stop near the Bellerose station is very close.  It would make more sense for the Little Neck Pkwy bus to extend to the station
Congestion Pricing
Tony - passed and will go into effect even though there are still law suits pending.  This was in the planning for a very long time while congestion has been made worse by eliminating driving lanes with bus lanes, pedestrian lanes and restaurant sheds.
Rich - Very few exceptions are being granted.
Reading Garden
Jim - handicap pad is done, landscaping still to be completed with end date of 6/1.
There was discussion about organizing our own ribbon cutting ceremony.  Jim will speak with the Principal to see if and how many students and teachers would attend.  Invite Tony Avilla?  Water and snack bags to be provided to make it an "event?"
Civic Medals
Board OK'd purchasing medals and gifts of $50 each for students.
Tent City
Lourdes - 179 additional beds have been added but not another tent. No crime increase in the area other than a few minor issues.  105 coverage is still 24 hours except for a short time during shift change.
Arleen who attends many meetings continues to argue about the increase of crime statistics.  The numbers may be overall, but not in the tent city area.  There have been reports of migrants entering peoples back yards to look for recycle items.
The park next to the school is closed to the public during the day for school use.  There is some junk accumulating on the east side that Lourdes will report.  A church is serving free meals on Sundays and there is immediate clean up afterward.  SNAP reported some incidents of migrants asking for money.  There has been a request for more lighting at the back of the tent area.  A curfew will go into affect after April 15 with exceptions for people working at night.
Indra -  Migrants must reapply after 30 days to stay.
Triple Crown Diner area has been totally cleaned up.
St Vincent de Paul Clothing distribution has stopped because of a lack of contributions.
City of Yes - 1st round passed, 2nd round pertaining to zoning & housing is due up over the summer with a vote in the fall.
The City is removing a cap on the number of street vendors which have been proliferating over the past few years.
CIP south exit onto Hillside - trying to get the exit revision into the next capital project
Rich - project to replace the vintage street lights on Jericho Tpke.  There is a large stock of replacements available.
LinkNYC Towers - Indra questioned what the two new towers on Hillside are for. Rich advised that they are LinkNYC towers supposed to  provide free wi- fi, phone and charging stations.  There is pushback from residents.
Lourdes adjourned at 9:34PM.