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- Create Date November 4, 2024
- Last Updated November 13, 2024
Called to order by Lourdes at 8:05 PM
Present: Lourdes, Rich, John, Jim, Ginnie, Lauren, Indra, Jeff, Liz
Absent: Michael, Manny, Tony
Lourdes - Creedmore HERRC Shelter - The park across from the Creedmore HERRC shelter was closed after school when it is supposed to open. This is an ongoing issue and Lourdes has sent texts and emails. Tim is getting push-back from Parks. Justin has a two week thread with no response.
Observed two or three people cleaning up the area
Has received no response from Politicians after Press Conference re closing this shelter and moving migrants to Randall's Island. Will follow up with Linda Lee.
Rich - Brian and Mark McMillan will be at the Nov general meeting. Will address the process for the Commonwealth Temple approval, the mandatory trash bin issues and the proposed speed bumps on 87th Drive. There was no advance notice about the proposal, who requested it and done without community input.
Lourdes - why are these things done while long-time requests are ignored. The 5-way intersection on 249th Street
Rich/Jim - Daylighting to eliminate parking near corners on narrow streets off Hillside Ave where it is difficult to turn onto the side streets
Lourdes - PS133 95th Ave event was very nice, lots of fun. Feels that BCCA should have had a table but maybe in 5 years for the 100th anniversary.
Jeff - Upcoming elections - has worked with nominating committee and slate of nominees will be presented at the November meeting. Nominations will be taken from the floor, probably including Phil Malizia (phone 718-514-1384) has indicated for some time that he wants to run for President and can nominate himself, but must have a "second" who is an active BCCA member.
By-laws concerning officers terms in office were discussed and it was interpreted that, even though Lourdes has been President for more than the indicated two terms, if the position is contested she is still eligible to run.
It was agreed that candidates would have 2 minutes to state why they are qualified for the position and can take a limited number of questions. Possibly questions being about prior and current civic involvement, not political issues and/or what they would bring to the position.
It was discussed as to whether or not Phil should be spoken to ahead of time about his qualifications and that he must understand that we are not political. Indra said that she thought that it was not a good idea to give him advance information and the Board agreed.
Voting will be at the December meeting and additional write in candidates may be added to the slate at that time.
Jim - the City trash bin that he ordered as a December Door prize may not arrive in time. Spoke about the issues with the Otis website for orders and the many issues with Otis in general including no response to phone calls and long holds.
Rich - has added new email addresses from the attendance book.
Indra - we have had large attendance the last few months - should we bring back 50/50 drawing? Possible door prizes?
Lourdes - can we sell t-shirts? 90th BCCA anniversary next year would be a good idea. Need motto? Also proposed a celebration picnic in the school yard in June 2025.
Lourdes/Rich/Jim - Eileen Lang wants BCCA and Queens Colony civics to merge as there is about $12K in their bank account and she does not want the responsibility. It is complicated as Queens Colony is Incorporated (nonprofit?) and Attorney General has to approve any funds transfer. Angela moved to Long Island but is considering moving back. Rich will speak with her further about reactivating her civic. Jim suggested flyers be distributed (we can do this from their mailing list) seeking officers to reactivate Queens Colony.
Indra will bring cookies to the meeting
Lauren - proposed asking Con Ed to a meeting saying that Brooklyn pays less for energy than Queens. May have confused energy with property tax issues. Con Ed can be invited for March 2025 to advise on free services they provide such as advising how to make houses more energy efficient.
John - letter bringing up possibility of lead water pipes in our area was very vague. Test kits can determine if there is lead in drinking water and water filters can eliminate the problem. Area houses are from 1930's/40's so city pipes may be lead.
Rich & Lourdes - spoke about the Con Ed approved contractor installing split systems and possible rebates available. Rich already has 2 units that do not qualify for rebate. Lourdes' existing 3 units also do not qualify. Completely new system would have to be installed AND gas furnace would be disconnected. Lourdes also determined that rebate amounts are higher in lower income areas which is discriminatory.
Jim - clothing drive for St Vincent DePaul Society will be held on Nov 2 at 10:30 AM at St Gregory's.
Neighbor received an summons from Sanitation in the amount of $300 for having leaves in the gutter however if paid by mail would only be $50. Seems very strange - need research.
A violation was issued to a neighbor in July for having a front yard paved and cars parked illegally in the yard. In August 7 houses received violations for illegal multi-family conversions. The homes are all extended families which is legal and at least three of the violations have already been dismissed - including garage conversion which did not exist. Feels that it was retaliation for parking in yard violation.
Upcoming Planning Board meeting - want to bring up stump removal issues.
Adjourned at 9:26PM