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  • Create Date December 4, 2023
  • Last Updated December 4, 2023


Hi All - below are my notes from the 11/28 board zoom meeting.  Please make any additions, deletions or corrections as needed.
Board Meeting Tuesday Nov 28, 2023
Called to order by Lourdes at 8:10PM
In attendance - John Rey, Ginnie Werner, Rich Hellenbrecht, Lauren Fiorentino, Tony &  Liz Aguilar, Jeff Huvar, Manny Aranda, Lourdes Hartrick, Indra Seepersaud, Michael Mallia
Jim Delaney by phone to Rich
Tony - update on migrants - his experience is that not much is happening, doesn't even know that they are really there.  Sees some men on Hillside awaiting busses to and from work.  No board members had any reports from anyone living closer to the area.
 - John reported that when he goes to SNAP he always sees the police vehicle parked by the school.
 - Lauren said that she heard that some are leaving.  Rich explained that they are only allowed to stay for 60 days after which they must go back to Manhattan and be re-certified
 - Jeff reported that he is not sure if it is migrants, but there are people cruising the neighborhood with flashlights looking into cars.  His car was broken into and another on the street had the window smashed.
    Ginnie reported that per TV news reports they are looking into cars where the key fob has been left so they can steal the cars.  They ring may be from Bronx.  3 videos from neighbor cameras saw the men and the cars were tracked to Bronx.
    Rich said that there thieves have an antenna that can read car fobs from inside a house and use that to open and start cars.  Keeping the fob inside metal or a can prevents this.  Kia manufacturers have an upgrade that can prevent this from happening.
Tony - George Santos issue - if he is expelled from Congress the Governor will appoint someone until the next election.  Santos is not running again.
Tony - elections will be at Dec 7 meeting.  If Jim cannot be there because of injured leg Ginnie will speak with Jim and get the run-down on how to proceed if someone wants to replace Lourdes as President.
Tony - Lantern fly issues - there are dead trees in the area.  Parks will investigate and tag the trees for removal but it can take more that one year for removal to be done.  It was suggested to attend CB13 meeting with Parks about the issue.
Tony - there have been noise complaints about the new Columbian restaurant.  It is very loud inside but the food is good.
Jeff - the new juice bar is very good.
Tony - will BCCA shirts be raffled?  No decision yet.  Lourdes still has some to give away.  Block captains should all have shirts and they should all be invited to Dec 7 meeting for Block Captain Recognition.  John said the Lorraine would call them all to invite them.
Tony - food for Dec 7 was discussed
 - Lourdes will bring cookies, plates, napkins & cutlery, will check with Subway for sandwiches & Casa Margarita for possible dish
 - Manny will bring soft drinks, water & milk
 - Indra will bring a cake
 - Lauren will bring a cake
Tony - Temple House status
 - Mike no news yet.  Next step is public BSA hearing - no date yet.  Will advise when date is set.
 - Rich requested alteration to exterior design so it is less of a box - architect was open to this
 - Lourdes - biggest issue is capacity being increased to 65 which will not be adhered to.  Has seen lights in 2nd floor.
 - Mike - As a house of worship there should be no residence.  Churches have a rectory separate from the church.
Rich - rezoning issues - economic development and City of Yes.  There will be an emergency meeting of Queens Congress at 7PM (Date?? and I did not get all of the meeting dates)
Ginnie - did we ever find out Linda Lee's position on ADU's?  Lourdes will try to find out.
Rich - rezoning will not distinguish between commercial and residential space.  The multi-family buildings will not have to provide any parking.  Stress will be on infrastructure, schools and hospitals
 - Indra - any building could be multi family and the low density that we moved here for will be lost. It will be much noisier.
 - Lourdes - developers are reporting "violations - apartments in cellar" to DOB.  When inspectors arrive they are let in and even though there is no apartment many cellar violations are written for thousands of dollars.  This is to force people to sell and developers will build multi-family
- Manny - washer & dryer in cellar is illegal unless it was on original architectural plans.
Tony - Cannabis licenses - already given to smoke shop on Jericho.  Owner of closed T-Mobile by library wants license, CVS on Hillside & Little Neck wants license.  All must be required distance from schools and churches same as liquor stores.
Rich - voted agree to on stipend to church $250 and Randy $100
Lourdes - toy drive for Dec 7 meeting Queens general Assembly very diverse organization.  Lourdes thanked the Board for their Civic service.
Adjourned 9:15PM.