Bellerose Playground Update – 3/11/21

It was great to see so many enjoying our reconstructed playground on some of the recent warm March days. It was re-opened, without fanfare, on October 9, 2020. But the NYC Department of Parks and Recreation did not give the contractor a clean sign-off on the project. When Parks representatives did an inspection of the work on September 16th, they found a problem with the spray feature. They had issues with the cracked colored concrete around the spray and with the drainage of the water. We understood that the contractor was to have the problem remedied by this Memorial Day. He actually did some resurfacing of cracked concrete last fall.

Last week a Parks representative told us that the contractor is scheduled to fix the drainage problem in April. Let’s hope the work is done on time and doesn’t affect playground usage.

The playground flag pole was painted by the contractor and, after the re-opening, Parks installed a new U.S. flag. It was’t long before the flag slipped down the pole a little (not quite half mast), and it hung by one corner for months. Throughout the winter we urged Parks to fix it. Last week, with the snow melted, Parks was able to install a new clamp and raise the flag high again.