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- Create Date September 10, 2023
- Last Updated September 10, 2023
On Friday, September 8, 2023 at 06:47:24 PM EDT, Lourdes Villanueva Hartrick <lvhartrick@hotmail.com> wrote:
Hello All,
In all the years I have been involved we have never had such an uproar by any one person and
his allies tried to create problems but they saw we were not going to let them take control
of our meeting and left. (He was removed forcibly) Others were a bit rowdy but we managed
to have a good meeting.
I was shaken up but not because I was afraid. I allowed my emotions get the best of me.
I was pretty mad and tried to keep my composure. Which had me trembling.
I am sorry Herb was hit. I was grabbing Jonathan (Jonathan Rinaldi is his name) pretty tight, which might have agitated him
and he started getting more aggressive.
I don't recall who finally got him out, but I am grateful for all the support and help I received in confronting this man.
I understand people are upset about "Tent City" and the migrants but we can have a respectful conversation about
people's feelings and the situation the city is confronting and how it's affecting us.
I hope we don't have this visitor again.
I also had Congressman Santos reach out to me. Should we have him visit our next meeting?
As I finish writing this email, Congressman Santos is at the Rally tonight in front of Creedmore.
I look forward to our next meeting.