
December 2017 301.02 KB 38 downloads


November 2017 303.86 KB 30 downloads


October 2017 291.26 KB 34 downloads


September 2017 373.31 KB 34 downloads


June 2017 619.11 KB 57 downloads


May 2017 383.58 KB 42 downloads


April 2017 725.44 KB 61 downloads


March 2017 483.66 KB 46 downloads


January 2017 349.05 KB 67 downloads


December 2016 7.29 MB 74 downloads


Newsletter Archive


Please feel free to browse our Newsletters. Note that normally there is no meeting in the months of February, July and August and therefore no newsletter for those months.

We have also added some extra material to view. One piece dating back to the year 1932.

BCCA Newsletters 1994

March 1994
June 1994
December 1994

BCCA Newsletters 1995

March 1995
December 1995

BCCA Newsletters 1996

May 1996
November 1996
December 1996

BCCA Newsletters 2007

May 2007

BCCA Newsletters 2008

May 2008

Thank you to all our members who have been providing us with newsletters to add to this archive page. If anyone else has a newsletter that is missing from any of the years posted above and would like to help out, please contact us so that we can add it to the library. Thank You.

Please note that the Bellerose Commonwealth Civic Association nor it’s Board Members endorse any information contained in websites outside of this one.  We can not be responsible for content on third party sites nor do we receive any payment from those sites.

More Archives

Creedmoor Civic Association Golden Anniversary Album 1927-1977

The following album was kindly made available by our neighboring Civic, The Creedmoor Civic Association Inc.  Our gratitude to them.  The album is a total of 24 pages. Enjoy.

Souvenir Journal

8562259The 1985 BCCA Souvenir Journal.
Click HERE to view!

Bellerose Homes For Under $5,000!

3711244Purchase a home for under $5,000 and free life insurance with every purchase! Obviously not anymore. Where have those days gone?

The ad is for houses on 252 St.  There were three “model homes” (84-12, 84-16 and 84-20) that were built first.  This add probably dates back to 1937 or 1938.

Click the image to the left to view the flyer. The date of the flyer is unknown right now. If anyone has an idea of the year, please let me know.

Bellerose/Braddock Blabber 1932


Read this newsletter from 1932! Click image to view.
Click HERE for world events from 1932
Legislative Resolution Presented To Our Civic 1985
1386105427Click HERE or image below to read a Legislative Resolution presented to our Civic by Frank Padavan in 1985. In commemoration of our civics’ 50th anniversary.
Click HERE for world events from 1945
Manor News from 1945
666395Click the image to read the Bellerose Manor News from 1945.
Click HERE for world events from 1945
1981 “June Walk”

3431847_origBelow is a 1981news article about our 1981 “June Walk” children’s parade.  It includes mention and photo of John Reh’s daughters.

Click Here to download or print.

Miscellaneous Items
The following are miscellaneous items such as newspaper clippings, etc.

  •  Glen Oaks Newspaper from January 16, 1975 Articles about the Bellerose Library, OTB, and The Bellerose Project. READ THE ARTICLE>
  • Queens Illustrated Newspaper from August 11, 1977 speaks about the Bellerose Library being promoted. READ ARTICLE HERE>
  • Great New York Times article by Diana Shaman from July, 5, 1987 about Bellerose in which one statement is made referring to our community “where neighbors lookout for neighbors” Not to mention that our very own Richard Hellenbrecht is quoted at the end of the article! (Our thanks to George Wolf and his wife for keeping this great article and sharing it with us.).  READ ARTICLE HERE>
  • New York Post article from August 19, 1977 about the Bellerose Library being approved. READ THE ARTICLE HERE>
  • “Can You Survive Full Assessment?” is the title of this flyer put out by the BCCA in 1979. READ ARTICLE HERE>
  • A flyer put out by the BCCA in May of 1965 calling for “Demonstration, Parade and Rally In Support of The Neighborhood Schools.” Against plans from the Board of Education.  Take note of the telephone numbers on the flyer beginning with letters. READ ARTICLE HERE>
  • New York Times from February 22, 2009 about the changing Bellerose Neighborhood.READ ARTICLE HERE>